
Excellence In Governance Awards

The Indian Express Excellence in Governance Awards attempts to identify and recognize the excellence in innovations at the district level by rewarding the spirit of the district.

The Indian Express is a keen observer of all things. Its non-partisan coverage and insightful analysis have ensured that it is widely read and respected by those with influence. The publication routinely covers local stories, highlighting change as it happens at the grassroots.

Some of the most challenging tasks taken at the ground level are by the district magistrates at the district level. A district magistrate acts as a leader, motivator, developer, and saviour and above everything, a top administrator whose unparalleled uniqueness makes them a chief actor in the district administration.

For good governance and good policies to translate into tangible action on the ground, we believe that the “steel-frame of India” has to gear up and be the change that we wish to effectively make and see, in millions of lives in our vast and diverse country. We hope to go some distance in marking and encouraging those who make the effort and push for innovation and effective implementation.

Excellence In Governance Awards will essentially honour District Magistrates from across the 771 districts in the country for innovations implemented by them in their areas, which had a positive impact on the welfare of the citizens and government efficiency.

The programme will recognize and celebrate the wealth of inspirational individuals and innovative projects within the District Magistrates community. The awards will help spread best practices across government, sharing innovation, leadership and learning.

Those District Magistrates who have worked on and helped introduce change in their districts, through innovative introduction or management or planning of schemes, ideas and projects would be awarded and encouraged every two years, for excellence in Education, Health, Inclusion, use of Technology and many more categories.